
Welcome our sleepy little Vincent!

As I look at my sleepy baby, I am so amazed at God’s goodness and in awe of His handiwork.  The miracle of life is just that, a miracle!  I always knew I wanted to be a wife and mother, little did I know I would be a wife to a man of such character and strength (seriously, have you seen his arms?!) and mother to 3 beautiful children!  Adding the 5th member of our family was a well thought out and discussed decision and I cannot wait to see who he becomes!  He already has such expression in the faces (and noises) he makes, I’m certain he will add more wild adventure to our lives.  The road will not always be easy, there is no doubt.  If it is really true that history repeats itself, I anticipate moments like this…

And this will probably happen during what was supposed to be naptime…

Along with Brady and Juliette, Vincent will spend his early moments of life in Sicily seeing the orange groves filled with the bright oranges.  He will hear the church bell chimes filling the air, marking the time passing each day.  He will smell the delights of what our neighbors are cooking for lunch.  He will feel the love and acceptance of our community welcoming these foreigners into their lives!  This will be all he knows, this will be his home. 

There will be many things Vincent will need to learn and lucky for him, he has a big brother and sister who can show him so many things.  Juliette will be able to teach him many things about her first love…

Pasta!  How to swirl the noodles in the bowl to get optimum cheese coverage, how to dip the bread in the empty bowl to soak up the bits of goodness left behind, and how to fit several servings into his belly. 

and she will teach him about cuddles, puzzles, and how she loves to play!

Brady, with his wild imagination, will show him the proper way to play dress up…

Just like he taught his sister...

Playing "Grown-ups"

How to draw and paint, and perhaps more importantly, how to create figures out of play dough then leave them out to dry.  Brady will also be able to teach him how to look a year in advance for gifts he would want to get for a birthday or Christmas present.  
Our family is nowhere near perfect and we get a lot of things wrong.
There are tantrums…

And we get angry…

But, through it all,
We do dessert really well…

We celebrate life…

and we get excited…

We grow and learn, but most of all, we love.  It started with just 2 of us...

And our love grew a little more with our sweet Brady...

 Even more still with our "moose" Juliette...

and our hearts are full!  Welcome, our sleepy little Vincent!

Let us introduce you to this thing we call life.  We will love you, care for you, do our very best for you, and inevitably, say things our parents said to us (that we swore we would never say).  We are honored to get the chance to raise you and support you as you become the person God created you to be!


A Glimpse of Fall... 6 months late!

Fall was filled with a whole lot of fun! 

Brady participated in the Missoula Children's Theater performance of the Tortoise and the Hare

Brady's first day of school for 1st Grade!

Juliette's first day of school for Italian preschool!

Hanging out at the ropes course on Mt. Etna

Apple picking and Chestnut hunting on Mt. Etna

Followed by pancakes and gelato!

Enjoying the new playground in San Giovanni La Punta

Ottobrata Festival

The season was finished up with me participating in 3 craft shows!


Amelia Gets Married!

It happened!  My little sister got married!  One of the main reasons we ventured back to the States during the summer was to be there for the wedding.  The ceremony was officiated by my dad, who also officiated my wedding, which was very special.  Amelia had a vision for the reception, and even when there were doubts about how it was all going to work, the end result was beautiful!  Spending the special day with her was an honor and I'm so proud of the woman she has become! 

My parent's neighbor brought over a wonderful breakfast the morning of the wedding!

 Our Uncle Lanny and Aunt Janice came up from Alabama to celebrate with us!


Dad, Mom, Amelia, Patrick, Me, and Greg
Welcome to the family Patrick!

 The whole gang! 

Marriage and the addition of new family members is such a blessing!  It has made me a better person and I pray that Amelia finds the same to be true!  I'm so happy to have been able to share this day with Amelia and Patrick and know they will have so many happy years and memories together!