

2 Samuel 7:18 “…Who am I, Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?”

In this season of giving thanks, this cry from David to the Lord is something that has been rolling around in my mind.  Living so far away from our family, life has been missed.  More than just birthdays or the holidays, but the everyday moments that make up our lifetimes.  Cheer competitions, baseball games, piano recitals, school parties, a day at the park… the little things that mean just as much as the big ones.  The gaps in conversations, forgotten stories to express, days…weeks passing without contact, make it clear that we are missing each other’s lives.

My parent’s recent visit has reminded me of something true in our lives.  The miles and minutes lost do not define who we are.  We are a family, regardless of lost time, tied together with love and God’s unfailing grace.  An unfailing grace that has crossed paths and guided decisions, healed wounds and provided peace and joy, and most of all has brought us out of dark places and into the light where we can be a reflection of Him.  Life has not been perfect, nothing ever is.  Through all of the sadness and the missing parts of our everyday lives, this is what I can say for certain…

Who am I, Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, with all of our faults and shortcomings, lost years and missed opportunities, brokenness and sinfulness, that you have brought me this far, to a place of sweet peace and salvation, a rich and full life of blessings, resting fully in your faithfulness?  I look back to where we have been, where we are, and where we are going and see God’s hand at every turn.  I see how far He has brought us, and for this, I am thankful.