
My Sewing Cabinet... because my husband rocks!

I bought a cabinet.  Yay me! 
As exciting as this is, there’s more!  I bought the cabinet then called Greg, because that’s what I do when I have a brilliant plan.  I tell him about the cabinet (not mentioning we have to figure out how to get it into our house… one thing at a time) and then let him know I think he should build me a sewing table that folds out of it.  Brilliant, right?!
Even though I know he was super excited to figure out how to do this, he dryly said “I’ll see what I can do.”  And what he did was perfect!

This is how we do things in this family.  I get an idea and Greg figures out how to execute it. 

It is so wonderful to be able to cut and sew in my own space instead of at the kitchen table!  I have the most talented man!

p.s. This is one thing he has been up to, but not the most exciting... stay tuned!


A year long project... and it's only the beginning!

I turned 30.  Traumatic.  I don’t really have a good reason why I had such a hard time with it, but it was not pretty!  So here I was, 30 and at a point in my life where some of my focus was going to change.  Brady was going to be in Kindergarten and Juliette was spending time with her Italian nonna, which meant I was going to have some time on my hands.  After a great deal of soul searching, decision making, and vision, I realized I was a “maker” and needed to put this to some good use.  For me, being a maker meant I wanted to take nothing… a single strand of yarn, a piece of fabric, or even a simple ingredient and turn it into something worth having. 

I spent the good part of a year creating original patterns
hand sewing pieces of felt sprinkled with bits of using my handy dandy machine, bringing life to what began as a simple drawing on a brown paper grocery bag
With help of course...
and envisioning the business side to all of this

Now here I am, 31, actually excited for what this year holds!  I would like to introduce to you my (very) small business, bb&j!  I have participated in two craft fairs here on the base, opened my very own Etsy shop, bbandjBakery, and am working on a new business blog.  There is no way I could have done any of this without the unconditional love and support from my family and friends.  I consider myself so blessed to have such special people in my life!  Things are getting exciting around here! 
Check out my shop!!

p.s.-The excitement level is about to go through the roof when I share what Greg has been up to this past year!