
A Food Journey Side Note

I would like to add something to what I previously wrote.  Earlier this year I took a Beth Moore Bible study titled Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit.  She makes a point in the final chapter that Self-control STOPS.  The second point for the lesson reads "From a strictly biblical point of view (as opposed to medical), physical fitness is probably more about FREEDOM than SIZE.  Keep in mind that EXTREME conditions call for FOCUSED measures.  The ultimate goal for most of us, however, is FREEDOM from obsession so that GOD rather than the body can be glorified.  This goal is most often realized through recapturing the lost art of MODERATION; and learning to do what we NEED to do, then GETTING on with living."

This spoke to me because of how often I get caught up in weighing myself and beating myself up about something I ate, all the while subjecting myself to the bondage and frustration this brings.  I began working out (GASP!) and gained 1.5 lbs, and absolute panic set in.  Yeah, yeah, I know, muscle weighs more than fat, but when you spend the good part of a year focused on losing the pounds, gaining does not do my heart good.

At the end of the day, it's about experiencing freedom and finding moderation.  I want to be free from obsession so I can finish this race I'm on with a mind focused on the finish line.  There is a new generation looking to me to pass the baton and I want to point them to the glory of God, not to how good or bad I think I look.  Let's find freedom and moderation, then do what we need to do and get on with living!


  1. Wow, Anna, both of these posts were so encouraging! Thanks for being so honest about not only your successes but also your struggles, as an individual and as a family. I love all the thoughts about eating real food, too. I try to do this for our family and Elliott is actually more into it than I am, so that's definitely motivation to keep working at it! I also love to get recipes from Becca Arthur, as she seems to do this so naturally. If you have more wisdom to share about this as you work on it--particularly 'real food' Italian recipes--I'd love to hear them!

  2. It's interesting, all the Italian recipes I have consist of clean and fresh ingredients. I made a banana pudding for a lunch with some Italian friends, and I wasn't exactly sure how to explain Cool-Whip! I'm pretty sure that's a bad sign!
