
Changing it up!

I'm taking a small break from catch-up blogging for all of our travels to talk about our newest adventure.  This is very important to me and has a life long effect on all of us.  I am changing our diet!  You may ask yourself, "What? Why?", so let me explain.  I have always done my best to buy local produce and manage our weekly menu by what is in season.  Where I have failed quite miserably is in the sweet and snack departments.  Over the past several weeks I have become concerned about Brady's eating habits and what I was doing to reinforce those habits.  Brady is addicted to snacks.  He never wants a meal, he only wants to eat a snack.  He says "I'm not hungry, I just want a snack."  Of course, we make him eat his meals, but I was finding the day was also full of crackers, cookies, animal crackers, goldfish, fruit bars, ect.  Not all of these in one day, however, it was more than what should have been. 

 My job as a stay-at-home mom is to take care of my family and my home.  I do not take this lightly.  The food we eat is bought by me and prepared by me (most of the time).  I'm accepting responsibility for the junk, taking hold of the reigns, and turning this baby around!  Here is where it ends.  We are going down the "real food" road.  I was inspired by http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/.  Whole wheat, oats, nuts, fruit, veggies, dairy, meat, and no processed food, white flour, or processed sugar.  I documented the process of cleaning out our pantry and was honestly embarrassed about how bare it was when I fished out all the processed food.  Brady is going to be in shock when he goes to grab a snack tomorrow!  We are jumping in with both feet, starting tomorrow.  I'm not sure what the longterm plan for this looks like, but I have a menu for this week.  We are in Italy, so there will certainly be exceptions to the rules when we eat out or dine with friends.  The important part for me, right now, is making sure we have healthy wholesome options in our home.  Whole wheat cheddar crackers, homemade granola, and wheat banana pancakes are on the menu for tomorrow! 

                                                              Pantry Before
                                                                 What I removed
                                                               Pantry After
                                                 Pantry stocked with acceptable food items 

1 comment:

  1. I want to do this! I did start the week one pledge from the site you suggested! It is going well. But, I'm nervous to jump right in! I'm proud of you though! I hope it goes well!
