
On the Road Again

"EEEKKK!"  "Oh Sweet Baby Jesus!"  "Why did he just leave his car in the middle of the road when he stopped to talk to that guy?"  These are just a few comments that I've made over the past week and a half when riding down the road.  I've spent lots of time with my eyes closed and making involuntary "EEEKKK" sounds while in the car.  I have driven twice.  The first time we were almost side swiped (through no fault of my own) and my time behind the wheel didn't last much longer after that.  The second time I drove about 10 minutes to the base without incident.  I've compiled a list of my observations during my short time here.
1) Most roads do not have enough space for cars to park on both sides of the street and have two way traffic.  However, all roads have cars park on each side of the street and there is two way traffic.  I have been told to turn off perifereal vision and just trust you will fit through the space...yeah, that makes me feel better!  The lady teaching the driving class said the roads were small because they were not made for cars, they were made for chariots.  Huh?!  I'm sure a chariot is much smaller than a car!
2) If you don't make eye contact you can pretend like you didn't know a car was in the circle 3 inches from your car, therefore, it's safe to pull out in front of them
3) When a car pulls out 2 feet into the lane to see if a car is coming, they generally do stop before continuing further into traffic.  I'm not sure how helpful this is since by the time they stop the car is already half way in your lane. 
4) There are rules to the road.  There are signs giving direction (i.e. NO PARKING sign).  Nobody follows either one of those.
5) If you turn on your emergency lights, it's totally cool to park your car in the middle of the busy road.
6) Gas is $8.50 a gallon ~ Thank goodness we get gas tax free which cuts the cost in half
7) God has already heard and will continue to hear a whole lot out of me while I"m driving around!
During our driving class they showed a cute video demonstrating different ways of doing things and I thought I would share.  Drive safe out there and don't take the fact that people follow driving rules for granted!

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